Realistic Long Grass for your Diorama

This Time I Want To Show You How To Make a Realistic Long Grass for Diorama or Terrain Building.

Realistic Long Grass for your Diorama

I will try to share with you How to make Realistic Long Grass for my diorama project or later I will use it for my tabletop game, with a very low cost and the material that I use is easy for you to get.

I will explain step by step with photos, hopefully this can inspire you.

Material :

  • Hemp Rope
  • Food Color

Step 1 :
I will cut this rope into small pieces, according to your wishes.

Realistic Long Grass for Diorama or Terrain Building
Realistic Long Grass for Diorama or Terrain Building
Realistic Long Grass for Diorama or Terrain Building
Realistic Long Grass for Diorama or Terrain Building

Step 2 :
Then I color it with food coloring.

Realistic Long Grass for Diorama or Terrain Building
Realistic Long Grass for Diorama or Terrain Building
Realistic Long Grass for Diorama or Terrain Building

Step 3 :
Then I will apply on the cardboard that I gave PVA glue.
Realistic Long Grass for Diorama or Terrain Building

Step 4 :
Then I try to sow it using a tea strainer, so that the smallest pieces come out.

Realistic Long Grass for Diorama or Terrain Building
Realistic Long Grass for Diorama or Terrain Building

Step 5 :
Then I will try to make Long Grass, by cutting the rope about a few centimeters.

Realistic Long Grass for Diorama or Terrain Building

Step 6 :
The coloring is the same as the previous one, then after coloring it, I comb it with a toothbrush to take out the unused string.

Realistic Long Grass for Diorama or Terrain Building
Realistic Long Grass for Diorama or Terrain Building
Realistic Long Grass for Diorama or Terrain Building

The result is like this.

Realistic Long Grass for Diorama or Terrain Building

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If you want to see this tutorial more clearly, you can watch the following video and it can also help my channel to keep growing (Please SUBSCRIBE )

Thanks, i hope can inspire you, Have Fun


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